Evolve 2 Lead Executive Coaching
Moving from Crisis to Purpose During the Coronavirus & Beyond
Time stopped in late March, leaving businesses at a new crossroad. From this time forward, businesses will never be the same. However, I’m excited because for me, the new business systems that I’ve been researching, integrating in companies, and writing and speaking about are now more attractive than ever. Why? Because many of the old ways are no longer relevant. New operational systems are being designed: new ways of communicating with employees, new work methods, a high level of compassion is inherent; and the creative revision of the work world is where we are today.
We have all experienced some fear, a kind of frozen acknowledgement of reduced socialization, interrupted lives, disintegration of daily activities—if only for a time. Companies are collectively experiencing the same things—interruption of services, employees working from home, a concern about when or how business will return to normalcy.
To me, the frozen, interrupted fear can be viewed as a turning point for a creative alternative. For more than 2 decades I’ve held a vision of how companies could operate and re-focus their efforts. Now, many more executives are listening. My five-part coaching (and leadership development) program focuses on a new path for leadership. We can view crises as a call for creativity, an inquiry into a search for alternatives, an openness, a deeper awareness of our humanity and our global connectivity.
As we move into this major shift in business, I’m excited to partner and coach executives in all industries as they find their own way back to their creative, compassionate, communicative and economically sound operation. I’ve been waiting for this moment for a long time. I just didn’t recognize that a pandemic could open a pathway for the new business paradigm. I welcome it and my clients on this exciting journey to a purpose-led company. Let’s get started!